Why I dance Tango? - Porque Bailo Tango?
Arriving in Buenos Aires, the date was January 13th 2020. This was my 3rd trip to dance tango in Buenos Aires. Dancing Tango in BsAs is very different than anywhere else in the world. Its simply divine. Somehow dancing up to 2 or 3 Milongas a day, was an amazing experience. Primarily, I was convinced. On this trip I would get out of the city to visit the rest of this country, Mendoza, Salta, or Ushuaia. I never did leave the city for 3 months. It was heaven. Dancing Tango. Breathing Tango. Dancing Tango. Always, shooting photos. I did however shoot lots of tango photos at some wonderful milongas. Social tango dancing continually for months before the tango world stopped in March. 10th, 2020. Primarily, the idea for this book was developed during quarantine. A photo book based on social Tango about connections, movement and with short essays and arty social tango photos. Not only was it a project of love. But I learned so much more about my connections to social Tango. Many wonderful people contributed articles to the book.